The Armanen Order
1. Who we are:

We are the practitioners of Armanenschaft – the elite priestly form of Germanic Runic spirituality - in the Americas. We are above and beyond mere “Heathenry”, “Odinism” and “Asatru”. Armanenschaft is the highest form of the Old Religion of Wotan (Odin) once practiced in Germany and northern Europe. Norse and Anglo-Saxon Heathenry are the side branches; our path is the root! Armanenschaft focuses heavily on the Runes and Rune-Magick, especially the 18 Holy Armanen Runes of Wotan, chief of the Gods, and tapping into their powers to evolve towards god-nature (Asa/Asha). The name Arman or 'Irmin' is one of the noble titles of Wotan; it means “Arising”, “Sun-like”, “Mighty one” or “the Ideal one”. The ancient priests who manifested Wotan's wisdom in our world, were likewise known as Armanen.

2. Our history:

Armanenschaft has been around for many thousands of years, the last thousand of them in total secrecy due to Church persecution. The Armanen priesthood was passed down in several clans in the forest towns of Germany and Austria, in private rituals and initiations. However it was revealed to the wider world in 1907, when the great author and explorer Guido von List was initiated as an Armanen Master by the Armanen Lauterer clan, and published his groundbreaking book,  The Secret of the Runes. Subsequently, Master Guido von List and other Armanen Rune-Masters published further books on Runes and the High-Heathen Armanen tradition of Germany and Austria, retaining the beauty and wisdom of the original priesthood of Wotan. Since then, Armanenschaft has survived two World Wars, the Depression, the Cold War, and even the cultural decline of the modern world. Today we are the premier esoteric Runic tradition on the face of the planet. Often imitated, never duplicated.

3. What we do:

We honor the Gods of the Germanic path, which are in reality the original Gods of Indo-European peoples; we do not merely worship them, but rather seek to become like them. We learn the Runes, and practice all of the Runic arts, to develop our mastery of the Od (life force) and evolve ever closer to being like the Gods. We practice lessons of the ancient Germanic Lore – the Eddas, the early Sagas, Beowulf, and other epics of the path of Wotan. We practice the Runic exercises (Stadhagaldr) and meditations (Sinnengaldr) of the old Armanen Gothar (Priests), Vitkar (Rune-magicians) and Vielkenningar (Seers) of bygone High-Ages of Armanenschaft, to unlock our forgotten ancestral Immanence and memory, and all the supernatural abilities that it allows. We strive to be healthy, strong, wise, free of addictions, and perceptive to all around us, even that which is hidden.

4. How Armanenschaft benefits you

Are you looking for something deeper than mere “Asatru” or “Heathenry”? Are you looking for a living path that will fill all voids in your being? A path that will truly connect you to the Gods and the Runes, and help you reach the greatest levels of understanding of the Wisdom of Wotan? Are you truly looking for Wotan's Fire of Inspiration and ambition in your life, to crush mediocrity, annihilate weakness, and have inhuman levels of perception and success in both this life and successive ones across the weave of time? Are you looking to unlock the abilities of true genius, access to past lives, and the Immanence of the Gods themselves? Do you seek the very mysteries of creation itself? Wotan and his Armanen priests of old, showed the way to all of this, in the powers of the Runes. We continue teaching Armanenshcaft, for the truly worthy.

Will you stand among us?